The Advantages of Synthetic Turf for Family Backyards

Designing a fun and safe backyard for kids can be challenging, but Synlawn’s range of synthetic grass offers a solution that ticks all the right boxes. Not only does it provide a durable, low-maintenance surface for play, but it also opens up endless possibilities for creativity and outdoor activities. Whether you’re looking to create a mini sports pitch, a playground, or just a safe space for your children to run around, our synthetic grass can transform your backyard into the ultimate kid-friendly zone.


Unlike natural grass, which can quickly wear down with heavy foot traffic, our synthetic grass is designed to withstand the rigours of active play. It doesn’t get muddy or patchy, even after a game of soccer or a round of tag. This means your backyard will always look its best, providing a reliable and attractive surface for kids to enjoy all year round.


The versatility of artificial turf allows you to create dedicated play zones that cater to your children’s interests, from setting up a soccer field to designing a space for imaginative play. It’s the ideal surface for games and sports, offering a consistent playing field that encourages active and creative outdoor fun.



Synlawn’s synthetic grass already has shock absorbing qualities, but for for added cushioning and protection, consider installing with our shock pad underlay. This provides a shock-absorbing surface that reduces the risk of injury from falls, making it an ideal choice for play areas. The flat, non-slip surface ensures that kids can run, jump, and play without the hazards often associated with natural grass, such as uneven terrain or slippery patches.

Low Maintenance

Unlike natural grass, which needs regular mowing, watering, weeding, whippersnipping, edging and fertilising, synthetic grass stays lush and green with minimal upkeep. This frees up time for more important activities, such as playing a game of footy or cricket with your kids. Another added benefit of artificial turf is that it doesn’t attract pests, and yet another is that the kids won’t track mud or dirt into the house. Artificial grass is a low-maintenance solution that keeps your backyard looking pristine without the hassle of traditional lawn care.


While the initial investment in synthetic grass may be higher than laying natural turf, the long-term savings make it a cost-effective option. Without the need for regular lawn care expenses, such as buying and maintaining a lawnmower, whipper snipper, and edger, as well as fertiliser, synthetic grass easily pays for itself. Additionally, its durability means it will last for years without needing replacement, providing ongoing value for your investment. The combination of low maintenance and long-lasting quality makes Synlawn’s synthetic turf a smart choice for creating a kid-friendly backyard that’s both beautiful and budget-friendly.

Transform Your Backyard into a Kid-Friendly Haven

Creating a safe backyard for your kids with synthetic grass offers numerous benefits, from durability and safety to low maintenance and long-term cost savings. It’s an investment in your children’s playtime and your peace of mind, ensuring your outdoor space remains a welcoming and secure environment for years to come. With Synlawn synthetic grass, you can design a backyard that meets your family’s needs while enhancing your home’s overall appeal and functionality.